How to make secret cow level in diablo 2
How to make secret cow level in diablo 2

how to make secret cow level in diablo 2 how to make secret cow level in diablo 2

With a mouse click, quite a lot of gold and Wirt's leg lands on the ground, which we just pick up. In the northeast of this rather small area, Wirt's body lies on the ground. How to get Wirt's leg in Diablo 2 Resurrected? During the third task, called "The Search for Cain", we open a portal to Tristram in the field of stones. Unlock Horadrim Dice: Unlocked during the second quest in the second act.ĭefeat Baal: This is the final boss in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Get Wirt's leg: Get from Wirt's body in Tristram. Obtain folio of the city portal: Offered for sale at the dealers in the city. If you want to see the cow level in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you must first meet the following requirements. Requirements for Unlocking the Cow Level: However, since it was quite a sought-after topic among the community, Blizzard ultimately added a secret cow level in Diablo 2. Blizzard has confirmed that there is no cow level in Starcraft with the cheat code "There is no Cow level". According to legend, a portal to a cow level should open when you click on the cows in a certain order. In the first Diablo part, there are three cows near the city. The cow level is a so-called Easter egg, whose story already begins in Diablo 1.

How to make secret cow level in diablo 2